Thursday, December 30, 2010

For lack of 'Better Words'

I spent some time recently in St. Louis with some friends from college. All of whom, our much much smarter than me. Many of them would argue that we are simply intelligent in different ways or areas of study, and it would sound even more like crap than it does lying typed across the webpage. I enjoy being around people who are smarter than me. The very act of talking with them makes me smarter and I truly enjoy learning. Over the course of several drinks I learned terms like "cognitive dissonance" and "carbon offsets." I learn more drunk with guys than I did in my college classes. AND I was able to bring some things to the table myself! remembering back to my sophomore chemistry class and the rule of object displacement. basically that if you place a larger object in a confined space before smaller objects you maximize your efficiency, therefore more objects can inhabit the same space than if you had reversed the order. 
Pictured: Science.

Plus we rode segways, smoked hookah, ate bedoin food, and visited the science museum. JUST FOR FUN!
Life is good.