Thursday, February 17, 2011


I remember when Eminem first got popular. (now I realize this is a dangerous way to start off a post. you're prolly thinking "oh man, here we go, its either going to be a 'remember those days' post, or this entire blog is going the way of a of a latenight fox sitcom, a slow painful death that upset all 6 of its followers. but stick with me.) I remember right after he got popular everyone started buzzing their hair and bleaching it. suddenly it was ok for skinny white kids to dress like gangsters. when we see something, whether it be a style, a personality trait, or a way of speech that we find interesting or attractive we emulate it. its like that screeching weasels song. "everywhere i go, i find more pieces of myself." we see something, we decide that we want to make that apart of ourselves and we do, whether consciously or subconsciously.

there is a problem with this though. you can't always adopt certain traits out of the blue. allow me to give you and example. I recently found out I was a hipster. (I know, and thank you for your prayers.) I found this out by accident. I googled it and searched the old urban dictionary and sure enough, the definition practically described me. Not all of it in a positive light I might add. so lately I've been dressing more like a hipster, and people have noticed. People think its lame that I find out I have some characteristics in common and suddenly go out and buy a closet full of flannel and start growing a beard. But here's the fun part. I was already growing a beard, and I've had a closet full of flannel since I was 12! I just didn't know I could wear it. lol. 

or an even better example is Stacey, Stacey now wears skinny jeans, but so does everyone, so its not a huge noticeable change. there is a line though. lately we've been watching Tru Blood. And both Stac and I think the whole, southern gentleman and southern style is kinda cool. but you can't just start wearing cowboy boot and talking in a southern accent out of the blue. that'd be crazy. (ps. i'm totally getting cowboy boots cause hipsters wear them, and I've always wanted a pair so I can keep a straight razor in them like a Quinton Terantino character.) so there is always going to be limits. but I personally love the culture mashing. so if you see me walking up in cowboy boots, skinny jeans, flannel, and some avaitors, try to cut a brother some slack. cause it can get rough in these parts

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Stacey and I were asked to watch the dogs and the house while my parents are on their cruise. we jumped at the chance. while mom and dad go someplace warm so do we! chicago is almost 9 whole degrees warmer than two rivers! woot! bring on the sunshine. so while we're down here, we need stuff to do. you can only apply for jobs and school so much. and only watch netflix so much. (ps. totally had netflix the whole time I was at fam vid. suck it.) so stacey asked me, "what did you guys do for fun around here." and answer is simple, nothing. Joe, my best man, told her we watched movies, played halo, ping pong hacky sack and talked. see the thing I had forgotten was that we were in school at the time. we only had weekends to try and squeeze in as much fun as possible and even then we had homework. and in the summer I worked jobs in other states. I've kinda come to the conclusion that no matter where you live. there is nothing to do, atleast not without spending a ton of money. at some point hiking mountains will lose its luster, halo will pwn out, and pingpong elbow will sideline even the most seasoned athlete.
Pictured: Most Seasoned Athlete
So for the time being it looks like we'll be going to a couple bars with friends and maybe catching a movie at the cheap theatre not far from the house. so glad we've gotten out of that old wisconsin routine...=]