Monday, April 18, 2011

Rage infested Monkeys

So I've been thinking about future. and I know I've said a few times that a zombie apocalypse would solve all my problems. But I am here to say it again! I am so sick of money, and titles, and pretense. I don't understand the difference between being an EMT and working as an EMT for a year, not when experience isn't a factor!  sometimes if feel like covering myself in A-1 climbing the roof and screaming "this world needs to burn" till I can't see colors anymore. I long for simplicity. I've been building and fixing and crafting so many things lately, and I love it. All I want to do anymore is build houses and heal people. I guess I just don't understand where the disconnect is.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

dodging bullets

as many of you know, stac and i were trying desperately to get the nuclear power outage jobs. in fact you could say we were kind of counting on them. but we didn't get them, and all that money went to someone else. People kept saying "god has better things in store for you" which we believed. but had a hard time buying that those "better things" would pay more. well we found out the other day that those jobs got cut short. and that the amount of money we would have made was substantially less than we thought. and the jobs we have now are awesome! and we love seattle and we are very happy. it was a blessing that we didn't get those jobs.