Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mind Games

I don't like mind games, thats why I left high school. But now I am selling our car and the mind games are coming back like a tsunami of passive aggressive doucheiness. I'm not talking about the lowballer that calls up and offers you 1500 less than your asking price, as his "final offer" (even when he's never even seen the car). While certainly douchey, its hardly a mind game. And surprisingly I'm not talking about the guy who drives with you 40 min away to his friends shop and then only talks in Bulgarian for 20 min. While still douchey, it's really more inconsiderate than anything. I'm referring to the people who bring along a "bad cop". the setup goes like this, I go to look at a car that I reallllllly want. (for your reading pleasure I've put all sarcasm in italics). And I would LOVE to buy it, but I really want my Dad (substitute anyone older or more mechanic looking) to check it out first. Oh whats this!? It looks like the brakes need to be replaced. (While I was told about this before I drove all the way out to see it, I act surprised.) Darn... I mean its a great car, and I'd buy it in a second, it just seems kinda pricey... well let's think about it on our 30 min test drive where I will pretend that I'm preparing for my next Formula One race. Now we'll switch and have my dad drive it, where he will brake check on the interstate at any moment with no fucking warning, and then bitch about the brakes some more. finally, back at the owners driveway, I'll rock back and forth and say things like, "well its not really sporty, I mean, for a late 90's sedan... and it's reallly going to need those brakes replaced (*side note, how can something that either needs to be replaced or doesn't, REALLLY need to be replaced. as if extra effort come into account?) and it doesn't fly, which is kind of a put off.... what would you take for it? I mean, lowest price?

It is times like these that I am thankful that I am not on a time constraint. that I'm not desperate for any amount of cash this person will give me.

So I've decided not to be pushed around, which might make it a longer wait to sell, but will certainly make me happier. At the moment I am waiting for a call from a guy who is an hour late to come see the car and has not called to apologize or reschedule. I do not have his number, because he called from a restricted line, and he does not have my address, because I choose to meet at the local QFC. So If he does call me later today, I'm just going to tell him tough luck. These are the dangers of selling your car on Craigslist. But there aren't a whole lot of options otherwise.

also someone offered to pay in foodstamps...


  1. Seriously? I would not even wait around for someone who's an hour late. Tell him if he wanted to be a douche, he can go to a dealership, where sleazy men with margarine in their hair are paid big bucks to deal with his bullshit. And then flip him the bird as you drive off. Just for me. :)

  2. I will admit to be the "bad guy" when we buy expensive things online. Bry HATES bartering but I will have a firm idea in my head of what I think it should cost... and Bry will go "ehhh what's an extra $400?" And I will say, "Well, I'm don't think we should be putting that much money into something right now."

    I definitely got the mom-bargaining gene.

  3. The driving 40 minutes way thing is totally CRAP.

  4. Food stamps... wow... how would that work? How much are you guys asking for the car?
